During SEASON congress in London on Saturday 10th of June, Laurence Hermitte, our Scientific Director at Symatese explained how controlling the elasticity, cohesiveness, and effective HA content allow to efficiently adapt the projection of each ESTYME® FILLERS product . ESTYME® FILLERS is a new range of dermal fillers with to date one product available in Brazil and EC: ESTYME® LIFT for nasolabial folds, thanks to our new technology C-HA PURE TECHNOLOGY by Symatese™, based on the 1st generation cold crosslinking technology that better preserves hyaluronic acid chains and aims to improve product performance and safety for the benefít of practitioners and their patients and is supported by a robust global clinical development program. SEASON is a new format for scientific events and according to the organizers “SEASON is not a trade show, “this is a non-commercialized scientific exchange whose mission is to advance the safety of procedures and results in aesthetic medicine, to identify unmet needs in research and development and to promote responsible media coverage in aesthetics”.