
SYMATESE Foundation

As part of its CSR strategy, Symatese creates SYMATESE FOUNDATION whose endowment fund will finance projects in the field of health and medical research. SYMATESE wants to involve all of its subsidiaries in this common project in terms of medical research, health and participate in projects
associations where our teams will be involved.

Our missions

The mission of our endowment fund is to help different populations, particularly in the medical and health sector, both locally, nationally and internationally.
We want to work in favor of a global approach and thus contribute to the emergence of initiatives that have development potential.

The Fund aims to carry out these actions either directly with the people or projects concerned, or indirectly through the financing of structures pursuing the same objectives and/or sharing the same values.

Our partnerships

SYMATESE Foundation is proud to be Patron of the LEON BERARD Cancer Center, with a partnership based on 2 axes:

  • Medical research, via the BMP program, Ecosystem, Stem Cells & Cancer Dynamics
  • Patient comfort, via an improvement in living spaces for patients and families within the LEON BERARD Center

Our Great Health Cause

With the Great Health Cause Vote. SYMATESE employees participate in the life of the endowment fund on favorite winning projects.
It is therefore 3 associations that will benefit from our support:

of employees have retained
health and pediatrics
for the disabled
0 %
for the environment
0 %
for sport
0 %

Financial support

The endowment fund awards a grant within the framework of a 1, 2 or 3 year project. These funds will allow the structure to devote resources to innovation or to an ongoing project.

Created by Davidfrom the Noun Project

Valuation of their actions

Through our internal and external communication media, and through events with our stakeholders and our customers.

Operational monitoring

Our commitment with our partner is manifested in regular exchanges with the operational teams and the members of the Board.

A creation of community

We will create with the project leaders that we support moments of exchange and sharing of experiences in order to develop synergy within a community of partners that can enrich each other.

Our calls for projects

Our Foundation operates by calls for projects. The 6 finalists are presented to the Board of Directors, but it is the employees who vote for the 3 winners that the fund will support for the next 2 years.

Our selection criteria

The applicant organization must :

  • Be a non-profit organization, an association, an NGO, a public institution, an ESUS-certified SSE company).
  • Have existed for at least 2 years.
  • To be, apolitical and to exist for at least 2 years.
  • Integrate an evaluation of her project according to the objective she has set.

The project must :

  • The project must intervene in one of the areas of the endowment fund.
  • Respond to the issues of impact, anchoring and territorial commitment.
  • Provide a lasting solution (no one-off actions) over the years of support.

Financial aid:

  • Depending on the amount of the overall grant, the associations are supported equitably on an amount defined upstream.
  • Is granted for one year, renewable for 2 or 3 years.