We are delighted to be taking part in the 43rd Société Francophone de Brûlologie (SFB) Congress in Arcachon, which will mark Sebbin’s launch of the NEVELIA® dermal regeneration matrix in France.
More than 10,000 patients have been treated with NEVELIA® in over 20 countries. It is a product based on OCS® TECHNOLOGY by SYMATESE, and this year we are celebrating 10 years of use, thanks to SYMATESE expertise in tissue regeneration and 20 years of cooperation with L’ORÉAL.
As part of this event, we are organizing a symposium on Thursday 20 May at 10.30am: “Dermal regeneration with the NEVELIA® composite matrix: its application in the after-effects of burns” (Benjamin Herbage, SYMATESE Deputy Managing Director & Professor Vincent Casoli, Plastic Surgeon, Bordeaux University Hospital).
We look forward to seeing you there!